Balancing training vs productivity

Training vs productivity

Training vs productivity Today, let’s tackle a topic that’s crucial in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape: training staff on new technologies without sacrificing productivity. As businesses continue to embrace technological advancements, it’s essential to ensure that your team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to leverage these tools effectively. However, the challenge lies in providing […]

Managing our time with different ways to say No!

No no no

Let’s face it – we’re ALL busy and finding ways to say no can be a constant challenge! There’s NEVER enough hours in the day to get everything done we’d like to get done. We’re all doing the best we can with the resources we have available, in this moment, although sometimes, our workloads can […]

Would YOU easily recognise a VULNERABLE CUSTOMER?


So just how do we effectively identify and respond to a vulnerable customer? The 2024 report by NICE, in association with leading research company, Focaldata, entitled The Changing Face of Vulnerability, considers how businesses need to find ways to overcome the complexities of identifying, and then responding to, vulnerable customers – especially given the ever […]

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

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According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has around 60,000 thoughts per day, of which 75-95% are repetitive i.e. the majority of the thoughts we had yesterday, are the ones we will have again today – and will have again tomorrow. Which is a little worrying, given that our thoughts drive our feelings, which drive our behaviour, […]

How to kick the procrastination habit – Part 2

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In our last FIT Matters blog, I admitted to you that if there were an award for Best Procrastinator of the Century, I’d win hands down!  If I can put off until tomorrow what can (and should) be done today, then sure as night follows day, I’m a procrastination dead cert to bet on 👍 […]

Stop that procrastination thief!


Procrastination is the thief of time, they say. If there were an award for Best Procrastinator of the Century, I’d win hands down! Seriously, if I can put off until tomorrow what can (and should) be done today, then sure as night follows day, I’m a dead cert to bet on 👍 It is said […]

Time flies – whether you’re having fun or not!


This week, I’ve been reminded (yet again) that there’s no time like the present – time flies and life is indeed a present, a precious gift, if you choose to savour every minute of the time you have, as this beautiful story at the end of today’s blog confirms. We know that time waits for […]

Financial Services customers are now more vulnerable than ever before


The number of financial services customers that could be classed as ‘vulnerable’ increased 15% over the initial months of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK and now stands at 27.7 million, a recent survey by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has found. The FCA undertook two surveys in 2020, and found the number of customers […]

KIND people live LONGER!

World Kindness Day was celebrated last Friday 13th November, as it is each year and although it is NOT currently a day affiliated with any religion or political movement, over 28 nations participate in this unofficial holiday and here at Team FIT, we believe it should be an EVERYDAY occurrence! KINDNESS is a human condition […]

Navigate your way through Lockdown 2.0

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So here we are again – lockdown round 2 ☹ Just when we were starting to adjust to a new normal World of Work (WOW!) having picked ourselves up and dusted ourselves down, we’re now having to dig deep for yet more RESOLVE; yet more RESILIENCE; yet more RESISTANCE – to giving in and joining […]

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