The FIT Team

Like you, we’ve been there, done it & got the t-shirts!

We are all highly skilled and talented consultants, offering you a wealth of experience within both the telephone sales and customer service arenas. We’ve all truly ‘walked our talk’ having managed and developed frontline operations across a range of disciplines including soft-skills, process, quality, products, systems and telephony, performance management and customer experience. As a result, you can be assured that we’re able to share our in-depth knowledge, skills and ideas with you in a hands-on pragmatic way – ideas which are proven to work as effectively in the real world of business as they do in the perfect world of the classroom!

We are proud that this collective expertise isn’t just recognised by our clients, but also through our contributions to a range of professional bodies promoting the very best on offer within the UK sales and service industry. Over recent years the FIT team have acted as judges for the UK Customer Experience Awards, UK Employee Experience Awards and UK Business Awards. 

Click on each of our team members to learn more about them.

Hello... I'm Marie Cross

marie banner tall

‘…and I’d love to include you in our growing list of readers who are discovering new, practical ways to develop remarkable service in their call, contact and customer service centres.’

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Marie Cross Training Director and Co-founder

Marie has spent her entire working life within the frontline customer service and telesales environment – passionate about the industry, the people in it and their untapped potential! A highly respected and dynamic training professional and inspirational coach, she ‘wakes and shakes’ individuals to want to be better and achieve more and, in 2021, she was thrilled to be voted #4 in the CXM Stars Top Influencers.

Interesting inside bit of info

Marie is a Master Hypnotherapist, practices Emotional Acupuncture (EFT) and can take you back in time to flatten bad memories……I guess you could say she’s a little weird, though she needs to be, being married to a Scouse David Brent lookalike…..!

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David Cross - Managing Director and Co-founder

David has many years business-to-business experience, both as an accomplished and highly successful sales director and customer service professional. His vision is to help clients create and maintain a working culture in which that USP – people – can communicate with passion and integrity, helping them to reach beyond their perceived potential!

Interesting inside bit of info

David is Marie’s partner – and not just in business! He’s also a David Brent, Johnny Vegas and Robbie Coltrane rolled-into-one lookalike AND he’s from Liverpool – say no more…..!

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Mandy Rossi - Senior Consultant

Mandy is a highly skilled, learner-centred facilitator and personal coach, an NLP Master Practitioner and qualified Psychologist, having just been awarded her MSc in Psychology and Criminology. Vivacious and fun, Mandy is a real favourite with clients because her down-to-earth, pragmatic and personable style helps people relate to her and want to learn!

Interesting inside bit of info

Mandy is a right ol’ clever clogs and we’re all in awe of her awesomeness! Having got her MSc, she has now turned her sights to local politics, where she’s a real contender for Leader of the Green Party in Ashford! Way to go girl….just remember your roots!

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Dee Cano - Senior Consultant

Dee is an award winning learning and development specialist with many years practical experience in frontline leadership, sales and customer service. Dee’s passion is helping people maximise their potential by enhancing their skills, behaviours and attributes. As a Master Practitioner of Brain Dominance Instrument and a Certificate in Management Consultancy and Coaching, Dee is the ideal Management Coach and Performance Improvement Specialist.

Interesting inside bit of info

Dee met her partner while sliding down his pole one evening….quite unusual behaviour for someone who is usually the consummate professional. Still, we love men in uniform – and her partner Martin is the loveliest ‘fire chief’ you could ever meet, so I guess we’ll forgive her for any disrepute she brought with her from that meeting way back then!

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Lyn Hutchings - Senior Consultant

Lyn is a professionally qualified and highly motivated trainer, facilitator, coach and consultant with over 20 years experience in sales, marketing, customer service and management.

An enthusiastic and energetic individual whose pragmatic “walk the talk” approach and commercial expertise builds credibility, gains “buy in” and delivers powerful results time after time. Her passion for customer service is evident in the energy she generates in the training room creating an environment that inspires learning and generates change.

Interesting inside bit of info

Lyn lives by the sea on the beautiful Kent coast with her partner Russell. A real water baby Lyn loves to go sailing or scuba diving and has now discovered wind surfing. Russell however, prefers to keep his feet firmly on dry ground!!

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Mary Thomson

Mary is an accomplished Marketing Executive, with over 5 years’ experience in digital marketing, brand management and consumer insights. Mary is responsible for supporting the FIT team to drive brand growth, through our online marketing activity, where she excels at building and nurturing client relationships. Mary holds an HRM certificate from IIPSM and is recognised for her creative and innovative campaigns. Her expertise and strategic vision make her a valuable addition to the FIT Team and we’re delighted to have her onboard.

Maggie Colman - Lead Consultant

Our very dear friend and Lead Consultant (aka LC “Elsie”) Maggie Colman, passed away on 7th June 2020.

Her passing leaves a huge hole in our lives – Maggie was by our side right from the very beginning of our FIT adventure and her experience, guidance, love and support helped us shape the business into what it is today. Her spirit and passion for sales and service excellence will always remain at the heart of everything we do here at FIT so it’s entirely fitting that she remains here as a key member of our team. Maggie will always be in our thoughts and hearts and we’ll be forever grateful for her loyalty, love and friendship – both professionally and personally.

Interesting inside bit of info

We love and miss you Mags – sleep tight and rest in peace.

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