7 Super Secrets from the Dragons Den

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It’s become a TV institution since it first arrived on our screens over 17 years ago, although for every success story on Dragons Den, there are many dozens more that have stood before the business giants in the Den and secured not a farthing of investment for their budding ventures. In some cases, it’s been […]

Effective communication is the answer for todays leaders


Effective communication is a critical skill, for both business AND life. If only we’d all mastered those 4 key communication skills of READING, WRITING, SPEAKING & LISTENING when we were taught them at an early age, we’d have all been assured of developing superior human relationships in later life, agreed? It would feel easy to […]

Employees matter EVERY day – not just on National Employee Appreciation Day!


National Employee Appreciation Day falls on 4th March each year, so this Friday is YOUR opportunity to show YOUR staff even more love, recognition and appreciation than you might usually show them, although it’s important to remember that, because employees matter, we should recognise and appreciate our staff’s contribution to the organisation’s success EVERY DAY […]

Staff retention strategies to avoid The Great Resignation

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As we know, our energy flows to where our attention goes and it seems, EVERYONE’S attention is now focused on the phenomenon that is being referred to as The Great Resignation, as we all begin to move forward into the ‘new normal’ World Of Work (WOW!) Personnel Today gave a big shout-out to Culture Amp […]

Klopp vs Pep – are you having a laugh?

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In just a season, our beloved Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool’s best ever Manager since Shankly, for the non-football fanatics among us) moved from the number #1 spot as the World’s Best Football Manager to number #3, with Man City’s Pep Guardiola knocking him off the podium to claim pole position this season. Even if you’re NOT […]

Row, row, row your (own) boat!

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I attended a brilliant webinar recently, delivered by Simon Rickman of PEAK Performance & Potential Ltd, facilitated by the CPD Standards Office, all about this evolutionary phase of the working world we’re entering into post-COVID – and how organisations can effectively transition people back into the workplace. Simon and I concur on a number of […]

Nowt so queer as folk…as they say up North!

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Well, we’ve all heard that old saying “the ONE thing we human beings have in COMMON is that we are all DIFFERENT” and as they say in Yorkshire…. “There’s nowt so queer as folk” When we consider the whole Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) agenda in its truest, broadest form, then our workplaces and society as a whole, still […]

Add a dash of colour to your life


Image consultancy Colour Me Beautiful were the first in line back in the 1970s to teach business leaders a thing or two about how to dress to impress in the world of work, in order to enhance their personal presence and business aura. I was fortunate to have worked for the greatest Investor in People […]

Blend it like Beckham – 7 Super Secrets of Hybrid Working


Well, it appears the New World of Work (WOW ) has got a lesson or two to learn from the great David Beckham, when it comes to adopting a rich and fully blended approach to business AND life. He’s famous for wearing a whole host of interesting and diverse hats – as a model, trend-setter, […]

Robin Sharma’s 50 New Rules of Work


You know what a sucker I am for a guru – especially a personal development guru and my new BBF is Robin Sharma, who I spoke about a few FIT Matters ago, in my Tale of Two Titans Part II blog. Best known for his international best-seller ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ book series […]

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