Happy International Women’s Day

International Womens Day 2024

As you may know, the month of March is Women’s History Month and today marks THE most special of March days this year, with International Women’s Day! I’ll be sharing my thoughts on Women’s History Month next Monday and for now, thought I’d leave you this week with (what I hope will be) an inspirational […]

Would YOU easily recognise a VULNERABLE CUSTOMER?


So just how do we effectively identify and respond to a vulnerable customer? The 2024 report by NICE, in association with leading research company, Focaldata, entitled The Changing Face of Vulnerability, considers how businesses need to find ways to overcome the complexities of identifying, and then responding to, vulnerable customers – especially given the ever […]

The Digital Brain vs the Human Brain – Fact vs Feeling🧠💖

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In the Fact vs Feeling debate trend experts, Exploding Topics, report that there’s been some pretty alarming news coming from the latest scientific studies about the (potential) damaging effects of digital collateral, which we human beings are ‘devouring’ at a rate of knots. On a global scale, the average person spends 6 hours 58 mins a […]

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

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According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has around 60,000 thoughts per day, of which 75-95% are repetitive i.e. the majority of the thoughts we had yesterday, are the ones we will have again today – and will have again tomorrow. Which is a little worrying, given that our thoughts drive our feelings, which drive our behaviour, […]

Do YOU have a Multigenerational Employee Value Proposition (EVP) in place?

Multi age workplace

Your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) MUST be FIT for Purpose Fascinating article in a recent issue of Personnel Today, by Reward Gateway’s People Experience Director, Chris Britton. The organisation helps companies attract, engage and retain employees, through their unified employee engagement hub, providing the best of recognition, reward, wellbeing, surveys, benefits and discounts that support […]

A Story About Remarkable Customer Service – from a Leading Hotel Chain

Premier Inn logo

Sadly, it’s not very often we hear about great news stories when it comes to someone having received ‘remarkable’ (Purple Cow style) customer service (especially in the UK), is it? Indeed, as the studies prove, if we receive good service, we’ll tell around 5 people, whereas if we receive bad service, we’ll tell an average […]

Who doesn’t love Dolly Mixtures?


I absolutely LOVE Dolly Mixtures – always have, always will 💖 Which is a good job really, because when it comes to MIXTURES, we’re definitely top of the eclectic list here at First Impression Training Ltd. Over the 22.5 years since Team FIT launched, we’ve been blessed and privileged to partner a whole MIXTURE of […]

The power of positive self-talk


This week I’m shining a light into the power of positive self-talk.  According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has around 60,000 thoughts per day, of which 75-95% are repetitive i.e. the majority of the thoughts we had yesterday, are the ones we will have again today – and will have again tomorrow. […]

21 daily disciplines for an AMAZING 2023


Here’s our list of 21 daily disciplines to help you achieve amazing results in 2023. They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit – in fact research proves that it takes 66 days to fully embed the new habit AND, depending on the size and tenure of the habit, it can […]

16 ways to say NO!

Hand no

MANAGING OUR TIME WITH DIFFERENT WAYS TO SAY “NO” Use the Tape Technique for positive ways to say NO!  Focus your conversation on the positives / the can do’s FIRST! 1. “Yes, I can certainly look at that for you, although it will have to be in (abc timeframe) once I’ve completed this (xyz deadline) […]

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