Happiness vs Success: Chicken or Egg

Jumping Happy Business People

When it comes to the Happiness vs Success debate I’ve been a massive fan of Dr Rangan Chatterjee, best known for his TV show Doctor In The House and resident GP on BBC Breakfast, for many years. I love his philosophy for life, which talks about the intrinsic link between HAPPINESS and HEALTH…“When we are […]

Work stress and burnout – too much or too little?

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In 2019 ‘BURNOUT’ made it into the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases. It’s the result of feeling emotional, physical and mental/work stress for prolonged periods of time and refers to growing feelings of exhaustion, mental distance &/or negativity towards our work. Clinical Psychologist Sofia Gerbase of Unmind, the mental health & wellbeing experts, refers to […]

Employees matter EVERY day – not just on National Employee Appreciation Day!


National Employee Appreciation Day falls on 4th March each year, so this Friday is YOUR opportunity to show YOUR staff even more love, recognition and appreciation than you might usually show them, although it’s important to remember that, because employees matter, we should recognise and appreciate our staff’s contribution to the organisation’s success EVERY DAY […]

Staff retention strategies to avoid The Great Resignation

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As we know, our energy flows to where our attention goes and it seems, EVERYONE’S attention is now focused on the phenomenon that is being referred to as The Great Resignation, as we all begin to move forward into the ‘new normal’ World Of Work (WOW!) Personnel Today gave a big shout-out to Culture Amp […]

Klopp vs Pep – are you having a laugh?

Klopp Pep

In just a season, our beloved Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool’s best ever Manager since Shankly, for the non-football fanatics among us) moved from the number #1 spot as the World’s Best Football Manager to number #3, with Man City’s Pep Guardiola knocking him off the podium to claim pole position this season. Even if you’re NOT […]

Time flies – whether you’re having fun or not!


This week, I’ve been reminded (yet again) that there’s no time like the present – time flies and life is indeed a present, a precious gift, if you choose to savour every minute of the time you have, as this beautiful story at the end of today’s blog confirms. We know that time waits for […]

Take a leaf out of the Scousers book

John Bishop comedian

No, I’m not referring to my partner in crime, David Cross, although I will have to admit he IS just as funny as the Scouser I’m talking about today. Must be something about people from Liverpool – they just have funny bones, wouldn’t you agree? 🤣 Ex medical rep and semi-pro footballer, award-winning comedian John […]

Happiness is like jam…

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There is no shadow of doubt that the glorious weather we’ve been enjoying over recent weeks has definitely lifted our spirits and made us human beings so much happier – in body, mind & spirit .  There’s plenty of research out there that proves the sun’s rays are, generally, extremely good for physical and mental health.  While […]

Financial Services customers are now more vulnerable than ever before


The number of financial services customers that could be classed as ‘vulnerable’ increased 15% over the initial months of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK and now stands at 27.7 million, a recent survey by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has found. The FCA undertook two surveys in 2020, and found the number of customers […]

The Only PERSON Comfortable with CHANGE is a BABY!


  They say that change is inevitable if we wish to experience growth and the only human being totally at ease with change….is a baby I don’t think any of us can doubt that the past year has changed our work (and life) habits in immeasurable ways – many for the better, some for the […]

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