The car of tomorrow – TODAY!

Something very exciting is happening – did you read about it the other week?

A new type of car……..not just a new shape or model.

A self-driving car!

Now, I know what you’re thinking……yeah sure, it’s one of those things that will never happen.

However, set aside your doubts because the self-driving cars will be allowed on British roads from January 2015……how exciting is that?!

Also, it’s not just Google that’s developing these futuristic cars – companies like Nissan have gotten behind the self-driving phenomenon too!

Other manufacturers are also catching the driverless bug… take a look here if you don’t believe me……

This got me thinking about the world of business…

When something so new, exciting and possibly game changing comes to fruition, companies must embrace it or face falling behind or becoming obsolete in their marketplace!

Of course, it’s a difficult line to walk as some changes may just be fads – and I guess that’s up to the good old SWOT analysis and market research and pure gut feeling to judge whether it’s a good band-wagon to board.

Regardless of how many car manufacturers adopt the self-driving cars, I’m certainly going to hold off getting one until they can actually fly……I was promised THAT a long time ago and will not settle for anything gravity-bound – what about you!?

Have a great week – and keep FIT!

FIT Tip of the week

Remember – Imperfect action will always outweigh perfect inaction – because ideas don’t work, unless YOU do!

Hello... I'm Marie Cross

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